wow this is the first time I have been so depressed that I have to write something, if only to clear my head. Its for the best this way. I am no doormat, I am a person, I have feelings. Being thus hurt so much over the past few years has taken a toll on me and now I find more pain within in what I thought was the past, in its wake are more secrets and affairs that are being revealed. It hurts, I wont lie. Thankfully I have someone to help me through this, I care for you so much nîn Ithiledhel.
On another note, I do find an insult in the fact that those women involved in such vulgar affairs find a need to immitate me, whether it is my music style, clothing or make-up... why try and mold them in my image when you could of had the real thing but alas nay you had to damage that glass heart. It will never be the same. I will shed not a tear for your lying selfish ways, I am better off now and I am happy. I wish you the same. Yet I do not wish to hear more of what you did whilst we were supposed to be together. I was loyal to you always, too bad it wasn't requited! Now I am a shadow once again and I belong not to you and this is how its meant to be.
I hope I can make you happy my sweet one <3