Spring, Ostara - the beginning of spring is soon to be upon us and what a joyful time it should be. Full of hope and new life, those who have known of the ill goings on in my life of the last few years will understand me saying that things are much better now. I'm with someone who is loyal and trustworthy, who lets me be me ... And wear what I want, supports my work and hobbies which is what used to annoy me about my ex. Why go out with someone who you know does and wears things you don't agree with *rolls eyes* I mean I was making and wearing corsets, dreads, rather raunchy clothing, cyber stuff etc and modelling, performing burlesque before I met him and when we went out he decided he didn't want me doing it. Thus my clothing, costumes and dreads took a rather reluctant backseat.
Thank god those days are long gone, Nen is back (to be fair has been since last year)! And I'm happy, I only hope my partner is as happy as I am ^^.
On another note on the mention of spring and new
Life, my better half's African Fat-tail geckos laid four pretty eggs and hopefully with luck two of them will hatch... As the male gecko is a rare albino it would be amazing if one of these are an albino to. So new baby reptiles to play with (not that we need anymore haha, the living room would be a full of them if left up to us)
In light of the fact that I'm over my illness, I am able to actually go out in the cold for more than ten mins, sadly the weather is warming
Up now :( but it means I can take my horses out for a ride and get into shape for competing again. Also I can go outside and practise my poi spinning, I have been doing this for five years now and have ten sets of poi and glowstrings which my partner also wants to learn so could be fun. Duets ahoy ^^