Monday, 22 April 2013


Just a little something to fill the void before my new shoes arrive. I thought it would be nice to talk about a few little things, not important and in short just ramblings from me.

Time at the moment is something I do not really have, with fitness, horses, sewing, burlesque, modelling, Djing and a baby on the way its all a bit hectic.


First off I'm going to talk about comics. Everyone has a favourite. My other half's current preferred comic is Green Lantern. Which I have to admit is a nice choice, I believe it was Green arrow until he read blackest night  (the whole thing with green arrow cheating on Dahlia put him off I think). On that note the Film was okay, not amazing but not bad.

My personal Favourite is.... Lady Death. I adore that comic, strong and rather saucy main character with a dark feel to it. Has been my top one for many years.  The animated film really was enjoyable, I thought it was anyway even if no one else liked it.

all I'm going to say is... meow

I suppose not that western style comics are done with, onto Manga!
Hmm I don't really have a favourite in this sense but a few that I enjoy.  Elfen Lied, Record of Lodoss War, Ghost in the Shell and Alichino being the top dogs at the moment.

As you may notice, I adore fantasy, dark fantasy and elves :) 

Anime is generally the same as the above although I do have other titles to add... Vampire hunter D is my number one of all time. I do also enjoy Claymore, Trinity Blood, Fushigi yugi and soul eater. 

Oh Vampire hunter D is a fantastic graphic novel.

I'm currently seeking out new comics and manga so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Shiny new shoes

Not really much in the way of an update but I have some new pretties on the way.  (Cai has also been going on a baby spending spree ^^ but I'm not going to talk about that)
I brought these a while ago, they are awesome ^^ 8" heels, shown in the below video.

I also have another new pair coming at the end of the month. Very much excited about them.

Saturday, 6 April 2013


Having had a great few weeks. Firstly Resistanz was awesome. Noisuf-x played an amazing set as did several other bands. Neuroticfish, Alter De Ruine, C-Lekktor, Phosgore and Ivardensphere were all great to, sad to see that Seabound couldn't make it that would of topped the weekend really.

Flux Vortex Last night was fun also, the night is really taking off and our set went down... Rather well actually.

Also I may be running another regular night at Eddies... More to come on that soon.

In other news, rather big news. The last couple of weeks I have been very unwell. We are pleased to say that this is good. Odd as it might sound - Cai and I are expecting our first baby :)
I think he is more excited about it than me. We took a fair time discussing options etc and we decided we are in a perfect position to keep it. Money certainly is no issue whatsoever, we are emotionally, physically and mentally ready. Also we are getting hand fasted for the traditional year and a day on Litha this year. <3 Happy times.

I'm still performing burlesque at the moment and will continue to do so after the birth. I love it too much to give up.

I suppose more news to come Soon ^^