Time at the moment is something I do not really have, with fitness, horses, sewing, burlesque, modelling, Djing and a baby on the way its all a bit hectic.
First off I'm going to talk about comics. Everyone has a favourite. My other half's current preferred comic is Green Lantern. Which I have to admit is a nice choice, I believe it was Green arrow until he read blackest night (the whole thing with green arrow cheating on Dahlia put him off I think). On that note the Film was okay, not amazing but not bad.
My personal Favourite is.... Lady Death. I adore that comic, strong and rather saucy main character with a dark feel to it. Has been my top one for many years. The animated film really was enjoyable, I thought it was anyway even if no one else liked it.
all I'm going to say is... meow
I suppose not that western style comics are done with, onto Manga!
Hmm I don't really have a favourite in this sense but a few that I enjoy. Elfen Lied, Record of Lodoss War, Ghost in the Shell and Alichino being the top dogs at the moment.
As you may notice, I adore fantasy, dark fantasy and elves :)
Anime is generally the same as the above although I do have other titles to add... Vampire hunter D is my number one of all time. I do also enjoy Claymore, Trinity Blood, Fushigi yugi and soul eater.
Oh Vampire hunter D is a fantastic graphic novel.
I'm currently seeking out new comics and manga so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.