Thursday, 25 December 2014

Holiday season

I'm not really one for christmas as I mainly celebrate Yule! However due to little Ophelia, we have decided to make a compromise for her sake and celebrate both (less confusing for her as she's so young and grows up).

She's got many nice gifts from friends and family - plus a few from Santa to. It was nice to spend the holidays with her so she could enjoy the lights, sights and sounds of this time of year. 

Whilst I am not in the nature of boasting so I won't be showing off everything we all got, being with family and friends is more important anyway and that's what I'm trying to say.

Presents don't really matter, your loved ones do. Love, forgive, forget and get along this holiday season whatever you celebrate.

Best wishes from all of us

Saturday, 27 September 2014

A moment in time

Ever had one of those moments when you see someone you used to be good friends with and you can't remember why you don't talk anymore? Or indeed you don't really know the reason why you fell out in the first place? Yea, one of them. 
It was strange. I guess it doesn't really matter but it made me realise I can't be bothered with petty attitudes and grudges. If people want to be that way inclined then so be it. I have more important things in my life than to harbour such negativity. 

If and when they want to talk again I will be willing but until then so be it.