Friday, 25 October 2013


It is a fact that happiness can be found in many forms and it varies from person to person. 

The last two years have been truly happy for me (except for the loss of one of my horses... That was obviously not happy)

I am sailing through my education (medicine is a loooong course) and have the most amazing partner I could ever hope for. It may seem really cliché but there you go.

This year has seen many ups and downs. With death and illness of family members and loved ones on both mine and my fiancé's side. Yes fiancé ^*^ he proposed later this year at a family gathering. 

It's been almost a year since the death of my Appaloosa, wow time flies and I still miss her. Poppy is still going strong and recovered from a mild bout of Laminitus so she is sound again.

I'm loving my work more and more, plus meeting new people. The recent show I ran was a great success. I look forward to putting on the next one.

What else can I say... I've had to take a small hiatus from tightlacing and wearing corsets. This is due to the fact that we are expected a baby, it was planned before anyone asks. However after the birth I will be wearing them again so yay. (As I'm writing this I'm being kicked like mad haha.) Also electric Mausoleum has moved to the first Friday of the month and our Yuletide vampire ball has a good turn out.

I hope everyone else had a good year and will have another great one next year.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Unexpected gift

Unbeknown to anyone save a few is the rather simple fact that I do not talk to my father if I can avoid it. Lets just say excessive alcohol and anger, from a young age I apparently used to tell my teachers that I didn't have a dad when we were talking about family trees or parent's job. 

I avoided any contact for over 6 years before my mum dragged me to meet up for a coffee with him. Anyway a month or so ago he called me up... Drunk as usually saying he had something for me. I took it with a pinch of salt. When I met up with him it turns out for once he wasn't lying. He had brought this tiny Staffordshire bull terrier pup. Not great timing I must admit and that will be made clear in a few weeks time.

We decided to call this little terror Gaia after the earth goddess and Mother Nature. 

She was apparently 8 weeks but I am guessing she was more on the 6 week mark. 

This is how big she is now at 13 weeks