There is a lot going on at the moment and not much in the way of posts, for this I apologise. Allow me to remedy some of the inquisitiveness.
I am making products for my upcoming stall, this takes a lot of my time and effort couple that we my pets and well there you go really.... leaves very little room for much else. This is the price you pay for owning horses.
However on top of these things I also have my Burlesque, I'm performing regularly and creating new acts at the moment which - albeit very exciting - takes a lot of energy and thought. Furthermore my better half has just brought a house so I'm helping where I can to get things ready and stop him stressing so much. Quite a feat to be honest.
Congratulations to him for passing his driving test though... now we just have to get his mini roadworthy.
Much rushing around as you can see so please excuse the lack of posts it will be remedied as soon as everything reaches a proficient calm again.
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