Monday, 5 January 2015

A moment to breathe

I really don't post on here as often or as fully as I should. It all boils down to being so busy with the little madam (who is bopping around her bouncer to Christian Death at the moment). 

Rest assured I have a lot of posts coming up, I just spend so much time doing other things. Between looking after Ophelia, the horses, work (burlesque and sewing... I am making a study of maternity corsets/post partum corsets at the moment. It helped me so much during my pregnancy), university, visiting my mum a lot (which in fairness clashes with seeing my horses in Coventry as that's where she lives). Really I don't have time for much else. I wouldn't have it any other way. Hopefully I will have time to catch up with friends but it's not likely.

I will catch up with posts! Please bare with me.

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