Thursday, 3 November 2011

Wedding tidings and happiness

Wow so a lot has happened recently and I have been so very busy, first off my older sister was wed on october 28th, it was such beautiful day and everything went well. I really wish her the best and in true style like the rest of our family traditional white was the first thing out of the window as I made her an aubergine and royal blue iridescent gown.... Tightlace corset of course but she did look beautiful.

As to other news, I am actually officially move to london, thanks so much for my other half for helping me with this... More news and full update to come

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Sorrow and passing pain

wow this is the first time I have been so depressed that I have to write something, if only to clear my head. Its for the best this way. I am no doormat, I am a person, I have feelings. Being thus hurt so much over the past few years has taken a toll on me and now I find more pain within in what I thought was the past, in its wake are more secrets and affairs that are being revealed. It hurts, I wont lie. Thankfully I have someone to help me through this, I care for you so much nîn Ithiledhel.

On another note, I do find an insult in the fact that those women involved in such vulgar affairs find a need to immitate me, whether it is my music style, clothing or make-up... why try and mold them in my image when you could of had the real thing but alas nay you had to damage that glass heart. It will never be the same. I will shed not a tear for your lying selfish ways, I am better off now and I am happy. I wish you the same. Yet I do not wish to hear more of what you did whilst we were supposed to be together. I was loyal to you always, too bad it wasn't requited! Now I am a shadow once again and I belong not to you and this is how its meant to be.

I hope I can make you happy my sweet one <3

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Moving - Here there and everywhere

Gaaahhh.. I could pull my hair out! We have just moved house again around Coventry but then I will be moving again in a week or so to London! Nightmare, but on the bright side buisness is resuming as normal as is all my other hobbies and I have internet once again. Win!! so expect more activity now yay!!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

family engagement

Wow I am a busy bee again so quickly, and its true, its actually happening, my older sister is getting married on the 28th October and I have been enlisted to make the wedding dress. I can't wait, we have almost all the material already and the designs so just need for me to start work on it.

I also have to finish my props and costume for my next burlesque performance (5th August).... that shouldn't take too long though. I expect lots of burn by the time I have finished making the two from fixing all those rhinestones (yea my sister wants them on her dress to)

I am happy for her ^^

I spend too much time making things but between that, rehearsing and photoshoots along with dance, horse riding and clubbing there isn't much time to do anything else. Although I have had a chance to practice with my poi again <3 love them so much.

Monday, 4 July 2011


Ah I had some interviews with good news, made it to the second round of interviews ^^ great! hopefully I will get the job though it will only be temperary.

If you have been reading my craft blog which I hope you have, you will know that I am considering stating a dreading challenge and some tutorials. I'm still deciding on how many of the dread styles to show you but I suppose it can't hurt if there is a demand for them I will show them. I will also do some general crafting tutorials and various other things including installs, I did an amazing on my friend Corey who is my dread making apprentice, learning hwo to make them professionally and he is doing very well.

here is an image of him with his new pretty dreads (he helped to make them) and also his mum.. it was his birthday BBQ afterall

So with some spare time I have and loads of extra materials I hope to bring you some useful refferences.

The following tutorials will be made in both video with voice and still image format with text.

Dread Making
  • Backcombing
  • Sealing
  • Solids
  • Candycanes
  • Transitionals
  • How to make falls
  • How to make clip-ins
  • Installing falls
  • Installing dreads
  • Other styles! (including some less known ones so they will be kept hush until I do the videos)

Other Tutorials
  • Walking in high heels (including ballet)
  • Making Pasties
  • Dying Feathers
  • Corset lacing and care
  • Let's Play (Gaming series)
  • Making Pasties
  • Editing Garments
  • Making foam falls
  • Making cyberlox falls
  • Making mixed media falls

Any requests and I will try and get them done asap! just comment here or email me.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Red Ballet heels

I have a love of extreme and unusual heels and boots, which it is lucky that I have a really high instep and strong ankles because that means that I can get away with wearing them on a normal night out no matter how outragous and last for the whole thing, sustaining little to no injury! I am always buying the highest heels possible and have started a collection of them

My newest member is a pair of Red Ballet heels, I have thigh high pairs of black ballet heels to but these are so cute I had to get them. Most people cannot walk in these boots and I do not advise trying to do so, I have unusally strong legs and ankles and it doesn't hurt me at all. There are some who can walk in them but I have to suggest that if you want to try you must train you legs and feet slowly into it, don't just get up and try and walk around as normal... take it slow. On the other hand I could just get up and do it. Here is a little video of me walking in my boots, I will take more and I also have some modelling photos in them to come. <3 The video quality isn't too good so I will get a better video done... and ignore my fat ass dog.. she wanted a cuddle...

These boots will also feature in one of my new burlesque acts, The drosselmeyer doll!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

last days of college

I apologise for the lack of updates to any of my blogs, I have been bogged down with revision for exams, ahhh its a pain but necessary. Thankfully though they finish in but a week and a half's time and then I shall be performing, working and modelling more. I already have nights out booked as with Burlesque gigs and photoshoots so it should be good. I will also be posting a poll so you can choose what topics you would prefer for me to write about.

Right now I am working on 6 sets of dreads and five corsets :) and yes they are looking stunning so far, photos of them will be up very soon in the respective categories.

SO hmm yes, my next night out will be club tron, I have a new outfit and set of dreads all ready for the occasion.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

More Horsey fun

Okay I found some Nice images of all of the horses I have owned, I spoke before about the two that are still mine, love them to bits <3... so this time I am going to start off by talking a bit about the others.

At one point, for about 4 years I owned a grand total of five horses, yes thats right, 5. Sadly now I only own two but nonetheless I wish they were all still with me... can't have everything you want though right? Excuse the fact that some of the photos are the wrong way round, I haven't got round to righting them yet

Shortly after buying Poppy my younger sister wanted a horse and so we got Rocky... a 14.2 hh Highland X pony... built like a bloody shit brick house T-T but he was such a character and so funny. A bit on the slow side but if you got him going he would do anything for you. Though at times he reminded me of a frog, gah when he got scared his eyes seemed to bulge or 'pop' out of his head haha so cute. His show name was Cappuccino Gold.  Sadly my sister had some nasty falls off him (her own fault) and lost interest, I didn't have time to exercise all five of them and so we had to sell him, he is now happily galloping aroound the countryside, jumping hedges as a hunting pony, apparently he loves it. Not surprising as he loved chasing the other horses and racing around the fields. We had him for 6 years in total, and he was 13 when we first got him.

Quest, show name Royal Quest is a little pony we brought because my sister said she needed a faster horse than Rocky... fair enough... however Thyme was just a bit too fast to say the least so we went on a search and found this little beauty. He is such a pretty Gelding. Lovely jumper, we placed in several showjumping events and dressage, he had a lovely gait. Sadly he was a rescue, as was Thyme. Quest had been originally found abandoned in the previous owners field and she looked after him until we brought him. He is a 13.2 hh Welsh section C X Arabian Pony. Lovely little chestnut thing. Sadly due to my sister loosing interest we gave him away to a nice new home, hope he is happy.

The Next one really upsets me to write, T-T. Ever since I first had Poppy, we have always known this pony and he was old. When we moved from the first yard he was given to us for retirement and gladly we took him on. Owen, the 14.1hh Icelandic pony, Show Name was Oberon. Before we found out that the owner had rescued him, we are not sure where from but it must of been bad, since if you touched his legs he would freak out, a select few would be able to touch them and also bring him in from the field, myself being one of them. You always knew something was wrong because he would let anyone pick his feet up if they hurt. We owned him for a grand total of 5 years in that time my niece took him on rides and we even showed him. Him won the veteran classes against horses who were less than half his age. Bless him he moved beautifully and had no ailments such as arthiritus etc. Sadly, on January 1st 2009 Owen was put down, I did not agree with the act. He was getting old and dodderly and also his vision was beginning to fade to the point where he couldn't see where he was going in the dark and used to walk into the stable walls. Plus the fact that the new yard we were moving to wouldn't allow him on the yard, saying that the other horses would pick on him and hurt him (I really doubt it). Not even the horse retirement homes and rescue centres could take him, being fully to the brim at the time and so we had no choice but to put him down. I was made to hold the lead rope and stood petting him the entire time. It really upset me, I will openly admit. I miss him so much, he was my lovely fluffy teddy-bear. R.I.P Owen <3  Died age 42

Here are some more photos of poppy, Thyme... even one of Milo (a friends horse and Thyme) plus a one showing part of my rosette collection.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Boredom... so lets chat ponies

Okay.. boredom + making dreads + ebay = too much spending T-T but too be fair it is on things I need to get. SO I suppose there isn't too much for me to say. Finally got to spend wome proper time with my two little babies (horses) ^^ Poppy and Thyme.

Poppy, whose show name is Lothiel is a 14.3hh Purebred Welsh cob mare, currently 12 years old and I have had her since she was 2... thats a huge ten years and she is my baby still. There isn't a thing she wont do for me unless she can't physically obviously. Together we have been through so much and won sooo many competions including 4ft showjumping... she loves jumps too much. I love her to bits... here is an image or two of her.

Thyme, show name Celebfea... is a 13.3hh White Born Appaloosa X Mare. Professionally trained at mounted games she's a bit of a lunatic X-X but I love her for it. A white Born Appaloosa should have spots... they show in the skin but they do not come through into the coat, this is a genetic disorder and most white boran foals die after a few weeks... so she is a lucky little girl. Not to mention she hung herself upside down outside the stable door... she had been in her stable beforehand. Yep she somehow got her foot caught in her haynet and got over the door... needless to say she now isn't allowed a haynet. I have owned her for 8 years now and competed in mounted games and showing. To her age.. she is 14 years old now.
Here she is...

I used to have three other horses... Owen, Rocky and Quest. Owen sadly passed away, Myself and my sister outgrew quest and my sister lost interest in Rocky, I would of kept him but I just didn't have time with looking after my own mares and Quest and Owen at the time. I will post images of them in my next entry.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

... stitches

Currently through studying I haven't managed to get much work done however I have made some dread sets, fans and corsets for a few people as well as some pretty cybery clothes ready for this weeks club tron...I have yet to finish my top though... it will be ready. More information to come... gah can't wait to finish these infernal exams