Saturday, 3 March 2012

Twisting the knife

Of late I have noticed more and more that this Doleful piece of rock that we name Earth is full of malevolent Swill that in all frankness aren't worth making any note of. However it does cause me to boil with ire at this very notion. I speak from a bystanders point of view as the following incident was not aimed at me or anything to do with me but still...

In short I witnessed a few of my aquaintences turn on someone with utter cowardice that I do not agree with. In simpler terms and without naming any names at all as I do not believe in nameing and shaming as I pointed out it wasn't to do with me I'm merely ranting at the notion.

I do not like incidences when a singular person or a group take it upon themselves to bitch, whine and slander against someone behind said targets back. This is lowly actions to take, even more so as the person in question does not even affiliate with the group any more. So what if they did things in the past, if they aren't doing anything to you now then leave them be... Do you not have anything better to do than 'slag' people off? Even so if they were to do something then say something to their face and not to the back of their head.

Sorry for the rant but I do not abide by such pusillanimity

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